Yoga for better sleep
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Yoga for Better Sleep: A Holistic Approach


Sleep is a fundamental physiological requirement for human health and well-being. It affects our physical, mental, and emotional states. Unfortunately, sleep disorders are increasingly prevalent due to modern lifestyles, stress, and other factors. However, there’s hope! Yoga, the way of life gifted by great sages of Bharat that combines physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and meditation, offers a holistic approach to improving sleep quality.

The Science Behind Yoga for Better Sleep

Numerous studies have explored the relationship between Yoga for Better Sleep. Let’s delve into the benefits:

  1. Quality Over Quantity: Yoga primarily focuses on enhancing sleep quality rather than just increasing the number of hours slept. Quality sleep involves feeling refreshed, energized, and free from disturbances.
  2. Who Benefits?:
    • Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Yoga reduces stress and improves mental health, aiding children with ASD in overcoming sleep difficulties.
    • Pregnant Women: Yoga reduces sleep disturbances and prenatal anxiety.
    • Menopausal Women: Yoga helps manage sleep disturbances, depression, and anxiety during menopause.
    • Elderly Populations: Regular yoga practice improves overall sleep quality and enhances life satisfaction.
  3. Asanas for Sleep:
Yoga for Better Sleep
Yoga for Better Sleep
Yoga for Better Sleep
Yoga for Better Sleep
  1. Balasana (Child’s Pose): This gentle stretch relaxes the hips, thighs, and ankles, promoting relaxation.
  2. Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose): Encourages circulation and calms the nervous system.
  3. Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose): Opens the hips and inner thighs, easing tension.
  4. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend): Relieves stress in the back, shoulders, and hamstrings.
  5. Pranayama and Sleep:
  6. Meditation and Sleep:
    • Savasana (Corpse Pose): The ultimate relaxation pose, practised at the end of a yoga session. It integrates the benefits of yoga and prepares the body for deep sleep.

Creating a Yoga Lifestyle Yoga for Better Sleep

To reap the full benefits, consider integrating yoga into your daily routine:

  • Consistency: Regular practice yields better sleep quality.
  • Mindfulness: Cultivate judgment-free awareness through meditation.
  • Breath Awareness: Focus on your breath to calm the mind.
  • Exercise: Frequent movement supports overall health and sleep hygiene.
  • Weight Management: Yoga aids weight loss, positively impacting sleep.


Yoga isn’t just about physical postures; it’s a holistic lifestyle. By embracing yoga, you can improve sleep quality, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. So, unroll your mat, breathe deeply, and let yoga guide you toward restful nights and rejuvenated days.

Yoga for Better Sleep

Remember, each breath and asana can be a step toward better sleep and a healthier life.

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