#tribandh pranayam #kundalini awakening #kundalini shakti #ashwinimudra #moolbandha

Introduction ( tribandh pranayam )

The Video attached below provides excellent information about the variety of pranayama including tribandh pranayam and holds demonstrations of various asana, mudra, and pranayam.

Tribandh pranayam

Pranayam Basic

The Video covers the demonstration of kapalbhati kriya (shining skull breathing), bhastrika pranayama ( Deep Breathing ), Nadi Shodhan ( Alternate Nostril Breathing leading to purification of all energy channels ), and at the last tribandh pranayam ( Three locks of the body).

The video covers extensive details of Ashwini mudra or kriya ( Sometimes called kegel exercise ), Moolbandh or bottom/anus lock, abdominal lock or uddayan bandh, and throat lock or Jalandhar bandh.

The editor has clearly explained the benefits of each of the pranayama with live demonstrations. He has cautioned and clearly mentioned that practicing tribandh is a matter of physical fitness and mental alertness.


Each practitioner must ensure that he or she is physically fit to do the same as demonstrated in this video. Furthermore, he has also explained the importance of asana called Veerasana or Vajrasana. And the benefits associated with it.


It is advised to see the previous episodes of Kundalini and shakti ohm to understand the current videos.

Episode 5 -Shakto Ohm

The First Episode Post is here and YouTube video links here

The Second episode Post here And YouTube Video Link here

The third episode post here and Youtube Video Link here

The fourth episode post here And You tube Video Link here

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