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Teacher training courses

Interactive Teaching Methods

The transformation of traditional teaching methods such as blackboards, textbooks, etc. as user-friendly computer-aided methods is slowly and steadily progressing to prepare students for a 21st-century education almost anywhere in the world. These innovative teaching methods have significantly improved the overall learning environment for students.

With the rapid development of digital technology, new advanced teaching techniques have become available and so it is time to change the traditional teaching methods that have dominated classrooms for decades. New methods are designed to improve the quality of instruction as well as student participation in the educational process.

New and technology-based techniques should be used with caution to implement simple and practical methods that may appeal to mainstream educators.
The challenge associated with new innovative teaching is integrating new learning strategies and methods into the classroom. And the second challenge is to improve or extend the learning experience for students. One of the fundamental drivers of advanced teaching is to motivate students to actively participate in the learning process as the level of interaction with teachers and peers increases. And students will gain knowledge as the learning experience becomes more advanced and user-friendly.

Some of the popular teaching methods widely in use

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  1. Video-based instruction.

The use of educational videos in lessons has been shown to improve student engagement, thereby creating a greatly enhanced learning experience. Related videos help students stay more alert, motivated, and focused on a specific topic at hand. Visual content can improve memory, knowledge, and the ability to retain new information. Several studies have established a link between the use of video in lectures and the participation and retention of knowledge and information.

2. Innovative Educational Technology.

Existing classroom technologies range from computers to tablets, digital cameras, video conferencing, and GPS devices to enhance the learning experience for students. More advanced technology may include the use of video games to teach math and foreign languages. world or even multimedia.

AR Technology
Digital Tablets

3. Interactive Methodologies

Interactive teaching strategies removebg preview

Collaboration is key to ensuring equitable student inclusion. The more student interaction is encouraged, the faster the boundaries of authority are broken. The teacher can give a brief overview of the day’s topic and give the students a challenge to complete at the end. In class, the task may include answering questions or solving a problem. Students are encouraged to form small groups to conduct online research or identify diagrams, develop new ideas, or discuss ways to solve problems. When finished, the teacher can assess their work by uploading it to the board and have each group share what they have learned with their peers.

4. Spaced Learning techniques

Spacing learning method

Recently, surprising results regarding spaced learning have been obtained. This is a unique learning method in which lessons and content summaries are studied intensively and repeatedly. There are two 10-minute breaks in between. During these breaks, students engage in recreational activities. This may include physical or other enjoyable activities. This style of teaching allows students to quickly switch between their 10 minutes of PowerPoint knowledge of English Literature through their presentation and 15 minutes of activities such as soccer. This leads to even better grades. The method is said to be more effective than traditional teachings.

5. Creative Teaching

Teachers should take advantage of fun games and other visual exercises that will engage and excite young minds as instruments to encourage creativity. This is a tried-and-true technique to recognize each young student’s creative potential and promote creative contributions. include creative elements in all of the subjects. Think of a strategy to foster their innovative thoughts and offer children the freedom to explore before they turn to mathematics, science, or history.

6. Real World Experiential learning

The classroom learning will be made more engaging and stimulating by incorporating real-world experiences into the lessons. By referring to and showing real-life events, the subject will be simple to grasp and simple to learn, which will pique the students’ attention and get them engaged.

Teacher training courses

7. Brainstorm

brain storming

In the classroom, brainstorming sessions must be scheduled. When a teacher observes several minds concentrating on a single concept, these sessions are a fantastic method to spark creative thinking. This generates a lot of ideas and will also get everyone involved in the debates. These discussions will give students a great platform to express their ideas without having to worry about doing things correctly or incorrectly.
Before a teacher begins, establish some ground rules. one may choose between simple brainstorming, group brainstorming, or partnered brainstorming.

8. Beyond Classroom

Some lessons are more effective when taught outside the classroom. Teachers can organize field trips related to the lesson or take students outside the classroom for a walk. Students can find this fresh and exciting, learn, and remember without much effort.

Teacher training courses

9. Role Play

Teaching through role play is a great way to get children out of their comfort zone and develop their communication skills. This method is especially useful when teachers teach literary, history or current affairs.
The role-play method will help students understand how the learning material will relate to their day-to-day work. It is most effective for students of most age groups. Teachers only need to customize the plan by age group.
This method can be applied to pre-primary students, but it should be noted that the attention span of this age group is very short.

10. Storyboard teaching


Storyboards are a great way to teach any topic that requires step-by-step memorization or visualization of highly conceptual ideas. History teachers can use storyboards to recreate a famous event, such a visually stimulating activity will ensure that even complex ideas are easily communicated to students.
teachers can also encourage the use of storyboards as a form of communication and let students tell a visual story using their imagination.

11. Puzzle and game-based teaching

Learning is fun when quizzes and games are part of the education
Children may not need consci犀利士 ous effort when their lessons are introduced through games. Puzzles and games help children think creatively and overcome challenges.

12. Create or sponsor school club for teaching

How about starting an after-school club or group? As a teacher, you may not have enough time to research an interesting topic that you are passionate about you can share your views and learn from others when you have a club or study group.

Teacher training courses

13. Story Telling

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just think why do you watch movies with more excitement?
you love watching movies because there is always an interesting story to keep you going. Storytelling is just like creating interest in any subject.

The importance of teacher activities is to bring about the desired change among students. it is very important to carry out the stages of activity systematically to develop the teaching skills and performance of the student and the teacher.

The writer suggests knowing more about NEST Methodology at this link

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