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About Fake Degree-

In many European and Western Countries, there is a strong quality and standard assurance and validation framework that protects and ensures the legitimacy and quality of the provided educational degree. Australia is one such country that is very serious about Education and its legitimacy.

Unlike many countries where there is no mechanism to regulate or supervise the standard of education. The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) regulates and assures the quality of Australia’s higher education sector.


TEQSA registers and evaluates the performance of higher education providers against the Higher Education Standards Framework.

More information on TEQSA and the Higher Education Standards Framework can be found on the TEQSA website at: http://www.teqsa.gov.au/.

TEQSA maintains a list of approved higher education providers on the National Register of Higher Education Providers. The National Register includes details of all registered higher education providers in Australia, including Australian and overseas universities.

The National Register is located on the TEQSA website at http://www.teqsa.gov.au/national-register. su c information may also be found in the directory maintained by UNESCO for the general public.

Other Accredited List

There are many other organizations that maintain and provide a valuable database of credentialed institutions of Higher Education and Universities.

Following rampant misuse of education degrees by unaccredited organizations many countries have passed strong legislation to curb the ever-growing fake degree racket.

In this country, There is legislative protection for the titles “university” and “degree” in State and Territory legislation and under the Commonwealth Corporations Act 2001.

Fake Degrees

There are instances of testamurs and academic transcripts being offered for sale generally via the Internet without any study involved. They could be transcripts for accredited universities.
They may include a clear disclaimer indicating the qualifications are fake/ to be used for novelty purposes.
As a matter of fact, Universities are held responsible for checking qualifications offered in their name and protecting the use of their testamurs and academic transcripts, and take this responsibility seriously.

Universities refer cases involving the fraudulent sale or use of fake degrees to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission or to the police as appropriate. In many countries, the same systems are followed.

Fake degree Issuers

“Degree mills” – providers offering degrees after no or little formal study often via the Internet, are a growing phenomenon. They may use the addresses of developed countries to show as part of the reputed network. They may also use the names of other fake accreditation agencies to legitimatize their own existence.

Where there is a traceable link with Australia, the Commonwealth, State, and Territory authorities can and do take action. Australian authorities also cooperate with authorities in other countries to pursue such providers.
Universities and employers are very conscious of the need to check the authenticity of qualifications.
Although there are strict legislation and regulatory frameworks in place still fake degree mills are on the run via their favorite channel- the Internet.

The author suggests to the viewer to act tactfully to do a fact-check
  1. Before an application for any course, a short investigation of those universities needs to be performed.
  2. The First credentialed database of all recognized Universities in the World Higher Education Database UNESCO.
  3. And the second line of FactCheck is to check the database of the respective National Commission for UNESCO.
  4. Apart from this various reviews and ratings may be found for any university in a Google search which will complement the investigation.

These are the views/opinions of the author and should not be compared with legal consultation.

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