Tribandh pranayam
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Tribandh pranayam has been in practice since time immemorial. Most of the yogic books describe the importance of tribandh pranayam. However, in modern days the practice of tribandh pranayam is considerably forgotten.

People have started their way of yoga.

Yoga is believed to be an exercise involving the twisting and turning of the body especially in the Western world.

What yogic science says

The patanjali sutra, sushrit sutra and other notable yoga books have emphatically described that Yoga stands for union of physical body, subtle body and causal body with greater cosmic energy.

Wiki reference

About this video of tribandh pranayam

This video brings out the authentic information and perspectives of Kundalini shakti, Kundalini awakening, and seven chakras.

And it shows the impact of Shakti ohm on unleashing human power. -Tribandh Pranayam

In this video, Tribandha Pranayam, Moolbandha, Ashwini mudra, and different mudra poses are described along with basic pranayamas like Anulom-Vilom (Alternate nostril breathing), Vastrika (Deep Breathing), Kapalbhati (Shining skull), and Ohm. The purpose of this video is to make the audience aware of preparation before practicing shakti ohm.

There are three locks in Tribandh Pranayam namely bottom lock (mool bandh), abdominal lock (uddiyana bandh), and throat/chin lock ( Jalandhar bandh)

The Root Lock Mool Bandh Murabandh can be done by contracting the rectum and bladder upwards. It is best done in the lotus position of Bhaya Kumbhaka, holding your breath on the surface.

The abdominal lock can be done by certain poses -Sit comfortably, keep your spine straight, exhale, contract your belly, and integrate it with your breath.

The Chin Lock or Jalandhar Bandh may be performed by bending the head, and also pushing the chin versus the throat, to the level feasible.

The First Episode Post is here and the YouTube video links here

The Second episode Post here And YouTube Video Link here

The third episode post here and YouTube video Link here

The Fifth episode Post here and Youtube Video Link here

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