School Ratings
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School ratings are an important component for any parent who wishes to know more about his or her ward’s school. School ratings provide a way to compare and evaluate the quality of education, facilities, infrastructure, curriculum, and outcomes of different schools. School ratings can help parents make informed decisions about choosing the best school for their children, as well as monitor the progress and performance of their current school.

School ratings

However, school ratings are not always easy to find or understand. Different sources may use different criteria, methods, and scales to rate schools, which can lead to confusion and inconsistency. Moreover, some school ratings may be biased, outdated, or incomplete, which can mislead parents and students.

In order to conduct a fair, unbiased, and error-free method for rating schools and education Institutions, the International Organization CCLP Worldwide has brought the methods of good school rating via its ten-point system. 

CCLP Worldwide is an international organization of Education Charter having RIO+ 20 accreditation, special consultative status with United Nations Economic and Social Council, and institutional membership with UNESCO NEQMAP and UN Academic Impact

CCLP Worldwide has developed a ten-point system to rate schools based on the following criteria.

  • Quality of co-curricular activities (Point No 4 Sports and Extra-curricular Activities)
  • Quality of community involvement (Point No. 8 School review & community guidelines)
  • Quality of innovation and research (Point No.9 Affiliation/association with International Education Body)
  • Quality of sustainability and environment (Point No 7. Good Health, sanitation, nutrition, and secure environment)
  • Quality of social responsibility and ethics (Point No 7. Good Health, sanitation, nutrition, and secure environment)
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Each criterion is assigned a score from 1 to 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest. The total score of a school is the sum of the scores of all the criteria. The higher the score, the better the school. CCLP Worldwide has also published a list of top-rated schools in India based on its ten-point system

CCLP Worldwide’s ten-point system is a comprehensive and objective way to rate schools that covers all the aspects of education that matter to parents and students. It is also aligned with the vision and mission of CCLP Worldwide, which is to promote education for sustainable development and livelihood. By using CCLP Worldwide’s ten-point system, parents can find the best schools for their children that will help them achieve their academic and personal goals.

According to the official website of CCLP Worldwide1, the school ratings are updated annually based on the latest data and feedback from the schools and the public. The last update was in March 2023, when CCLP Worldwide released its India School Ratings 2023 report. The report covers 500 schools across India that have been rated by CCLP Worldwide using its ten-point system. The next update is expected shortly, when CCLP Worldwide will release its India School Ratings 2024 report.

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