vladimir putin
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Russia’s Elections: Vladimir Putin’s Unwavering Dominance and the Ground Reality

As Russia heads to the polls for its presidential election from March 15 to 17, one thing is certain: Vladimir Putin will emerge victorious, securing his fifth term as president. The 71-year-old former KGB lieutenant colonel has maintained an iron grip on power, and his popularity remains remarkably high, especially in the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin’s Popularity and the War in Ukraine

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin’s approval rating currently stands at an impressive 86%, a significant surge from the 71% rating just before the invasion of Ukraine. This surge is not coincidental; it reflects the Russian population’s strong support for the war effort in Ukraine. Many Russians view Putin as the leader who elevated Russia from its post-Soviet struggles and assertively defended its interests on the global stage.

Lyudmila Petrova, a 46-year-old shopper in southern Moscow, succinctly captures this sentiment: “Putin raised Russia up from its knees. And Russia will defeat the West and Ukraine. You cannot defeat Russia—ever.” Petrova’s words echo the prevailing sentiment among many Russians who see Putin as a steadfast defender of their nation’s sovereignty.

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The West’s Perception vs. Russia’s Reality

While the West often portrays Vladimir Putin as an autocrat, a war criminal, and a dictator, the reality within Russia is more nuanced. The war in Ukraine has paradoxically bolstered Putin’s popularity and consolidated his hold on power. Sanctions imposed by Western countries and their vilification of Russia have inadvertently united a significant portion of the Russian elite and population around Putin.

A powerful Russian insider, speaking anonymously, asserts, “Don’t have any doubt: this is a job for life.” Vladimir Putin’s dominance transcends mere politics; he operates on a different plane altogether. The absence of visible competitors and his robust health contribute to his unassailable position.

The War’s Impact on Vladimir Putin’s Popularity

Putin’s decision to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 fundamentally altered the political landscape. The conflict has exacted a heavy toll: tens of thousands of soldiers killed, thousands of Ukrainian civilians dead, and significant damage to Ukraine’s economy and infrastructure. Yet, within Russia, the war has had a paradoxical effect.

The West’s support for Ukraine—financial aid, weapons, and intelligence—has inadvertently strengthened Putin’s position. He frames the war as an existential battle against a declining and decadent West that encroached on Russia’s sphere of influence. For Putin, this war is about restoring Russia’s global clout and asserting its historical role.

How Putin keeps winning Russian elections

Putin’s Vision for Russia

Under Putin’s leadership, Russia has made significant strides in various domains:

  1. Economic Stability: Despite challenges, Russia’s economy has remained resilient, with growth in key sectors such as technology, energy, and manufacturing.
  2. Military Modernization: Putin prioritized modernizing Russia’s armed forces, enhancing its nuclear capabilities, and asserting its military presence globally.
  3. Technological Advancements: Russia has made strides in space exploration, cyber capabilities, and scientific research.
  4. Cultural Influence: Russian literature, art, and cinema continue to captivate global audiences.
  5. Geopolitical Relevance: Putin’s assertive foreign policy has ensured Russia’s prominence in international affairs.


Vladimir Putin’s enduring popularity and Russia’s advancements under his vision are undeniable. While the West may perceive him as a threat, within Russia, he remains a symbol of strength and resilience. As the election results unfold, one thing is clear: Putin’s legacy is deeply intertwined with Russia’s destiny.

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