Amazon Prime Video Ads
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Amazon Prime Video Ads- Introduces New Ad Formats for Subscribers During Content Pause

Published on May 11, 2024

Amazon Prime Video, one of the largest over-the-top (OTT) streaming platforms globally, has recently made significant changes to its advertising strategy. The company aims to enhance user engagement and create new revenue streams by introducing three innovative ad formats for its subscribers. Let’s delve into the details of this development.

Amazon Prime Video Ads

The Background of Amazon Prime Video Ads

Until now, Amazon Prime Video offered an ad-free experience to its subscribers. However, starting this broadcast year, the platform has rolled out new ad formats that will appear during specific moments while streaming content. These ads are designed to be non-intrusive and relevant to the viewer’s interests.

The New Amazon Prime Video Ads Formats

  1. Shoppable Carousel Ads:
    • These ads appear during ad breaks within shows and movies.
    • A sliding lineup of products is showcased, encouraging viewers to explore and shop.
    • When an ad appears, the video content automatically pauses, allowing users to browse the featured products. Once interaction with the ad stops, the video resumes.
    • Subscribers can add advertised products directly to their Amazon cart.
  2. Interactive Pause Ads:
    • When viewers hit the pause button during a show or movie, a translucent ad overlay appears.
    • The overlay includes brand messaging, imagery, and options to “Add to Cart” or “Learn More.”
    • Advertisers can also collect voluntary viewers’ email addresses for additional information.
    • These pause ads are visible across a wide range of Prime Video content.
  3. Interactive Brand Trivia Ads:
    • These ads appear during shows, movies, and live sports.
    • They engage viewers with trivia questions related to Amazon products.
    • Correct answers may reward viewers with Amazon shopping credits.

Amazon Prime Video Ads

Amazon Prime Video Ads

The Impact of Amazon Prime Video Ads

Amazon’s move to incorporate these new Amazon Prime Video Ads formats aligns with the broader trend in the streaming industry. As advertisers shift their focus away from traditional linear TV platforms, streaming services are exploring innovative ways to monetize their content. Research conducted by Amazon in 2023 indicated that interactive ads significantly increase product page views and conversions for items sold on the platform.

The User Experience

While the introduction of ads during content pause may raise concerns among some subscribers, Amazon aims to strike a balance between revenue generation and user satisfaction. Subscribers who prefer an ad-free experience can opt for the existing ad-free tier by paying an additional $2 per month.


As Amazon Prime Video continues to evolve, these new Amazon Prime Video Ads formats represent a strategic move to enhance engagement, provide advertisers with effective opportunities, and contribute to the platform’s overall growth. Whether viewers embrace these changes or not remains to be seen, but the streaming landscape is undoubtedly evolving, and Amazon is at the forefront of this transformation.

Remember, the next time you pause your favourite show on Prime Video, you might just discover a product you can’t resist!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on publicly available sources and Amazon’s official announcements. Individual experiences may vary.

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