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Meditation in the classroom

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Meditation in the classroom

This ancient practice is now well accepted in society and the education world where concentration, focus, and performance are the main yardsticks of student development.

Meditation is an ancient practice of discourse for improving physical, mental, and emotional state by acting as an awareness energizer that brings peace, tolerance, and solidarity.

Teaching challenges

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The job of the teaching profession is really exhausting and requires lots of patience as a teacher has to face unending queries from his or her students and at the same time manage them with the appropriate solution. The student who seeks a solution to the problem is always faced with focus and concentration issues, especially during boring or non-interactive classroom sessions.

Such a scenario is not new to the school and every second school is trying to overcome this kind of problem which may directly affect the overall performance of students and the school as a whole. The solution to such issues is the inclusion of a meditation session in regular classroom sessions.

Meditation in the classroom as a solution

It is observed that meditation or breathing kriya helps children understand and learn the subjects. And provide increased energy levels for teachers to remain effective in class.

Powerful meditation sessions at regular intervals in classrooms with students and teachers together may play a bigger role in the educational spectrum.

How to do it

For teachers two things are important,

  1. first is to control the stress, and
  2. second to have full energy, Meditation helps the teachers remain balanced and effective in their profession.

The research finds that regular meditation habits have a deep impact on a person’s thoughts, actions, and energy. Both the teacher and students benefit from it.

Impact of meditation

Meditation in the classroom

The teacher after meditating for a few weeks feels more energized and tolerant in his or her emotions and mind. Furthermore, he or she is in a better position to handle the affairs of the students.

The teachers feel less worried, well organized, refreshed, confident, and controlling their emotions to their comfort and ease. Only a teacher with a positive outlook can bring positive changes in his or her students. And this is what meditation does to create a positive mind and action. It helps teachers in classrooms where they need to respond effectively and create a better learning environment for their students.

Even the positive impact of meditation on students is not hidden and well established in the education world. The performance of students is considerably improved by the inclusion of meditation classes or meditation in the classroom.

It heightens positivity, attention, and behavior and significantly calms down the aggression in students.

Regular practice of meditation is of great help for students to overcome exam or test phobia or anxiety. It has been successfully used by special educators in schools to improve the performance of differently-abled children.


In this time of globalization of education and free flow of information, it is not hidden or undiscovered anymore and more and more schools are coming up with new ideas and techniques to include mediation in their curriculum for the benefit of both teachers and students.

The author recommends the practice of Shakti ohm for everlasting bliss and peace.

Check out the video for you and your family.

First Episode of Shakti Ohm

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Second Episode of Shakti Ohm

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Third Episode of Shakti Ohm

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Fourth Episode of Shakti Ohm

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