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Kundalini Shakti or Kundalini energy has been a subject of great interest especially after Western writers discovered it and published it in his book.

For thousands of years, the saints, rishis, and Yogis of Sanatana dharma have been practicing this as their very part of life. The saints and yogis have adopted it in their sadhana.

In modern times many associate this shakti with supernatural power or outer world power. The understanding of this Shakti is not clear for general practitioners, yogis, and people with Western templates.

About the video

This video brings out the authentic info and knowledge of Kundalini Shakti, the seven chakras, and the impact of Shakti Ohm on unleashing human power. The first episode deals with seven chakras and their info.

The later episodes bring out more interesting facts about Kundalini, Nadi, and Shakti ohm

And how to do it to unleash maximum power. It’s all about rising intellect improving physical fitness and upgrading mental skills by adopting pranayama with shakti ohm.

Watch Episode 2 here or check the post here

Watch Episode 3 here or check the post here

Watch Episode 4 here or check the post here

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